SPARC (Solar Powered Access to Raspberry Computing)

We use solar-powered, Raspberry Pi computers and offline digital educational materials (no internet required). Thanks to the innovative Raspberry Pi’s energy efficiency, affordability, and open-source philosophy, it is the ideal vehicle for addressing Powering Potential’s sustainability goal.

For the SPARC program, we install:


  • Five Raspberry Pi computers
  • Three servers (loaded with educational content)
  • Computer network equipment
  • Two 85-watt panels, three 108Ah batteries
  • A 15 amp charge controller
  • A 350 watt inverter
  • A lightning arrester system


The SPARC program includes a Pi-oneer and a three week Training Workshop.

We have installed SPARC to the following schools

  • Lake Natron in Ngorongoro, Arusha
  • Rigicha in Serengeti, Mara
  • Nanenane in Morogoro Urban, Morogoro